Below are links to various local, state and federal websites that we think you may find useful for both your individual and/or business purposes.
By creating an account, you will be able to view your past filings, payment history, what you owe and your refund status. This site may help when you need to set-up payment plans, identity theft and making online payments.
Social Security Administration
Everyone should create an account with the Social Security Administration. Whether you are 25, and new into the work force, or 65, and plan to draw benefits within the year, you need to view and verify that the SSA has documented all your past earnings history, and documented them correctly. By logging onto this site yearly after you’ve filed your taxes, you can verify that your income is now on your account. You can also view what your current benefit would be if you were to draw SSA benefits.
Refund Information
These websites will allot you to check the status of your state and federal refunds.
Government Websites
These are some government websites that you may find useful for individual and/or business needs.
Local/County Websites
These websites are where you can view property information, everything from who owns parcels, their tax value, tax payment history and tax liabilities. These records are all public knowledge and can be quite helpful.
Edgecombe County GIS Mapping website – https://gis.edgecombecountync.gov/maps/default.htm
Nash County GIS Mapping website – https://nashcounty.connectgis.com/Disclaimer.aspx
Pitt County OPIS Mapping website – https://gis.pittcountync.gov/opis/
Wilson County GIS Mapping website – https://wilsoncounty.connectgis.com/Disclaimer.aspx
Withholding forms:
Attached are links to forms that you can fill out and give to your employer to determine amounts that should be withheld from your payroll check.
NC-4EZ – NC withholding for employees
W-4 – Federal Withholding for employees
W-4V – Federal Unemployment, SSA benefits and other federal payments
W-9 – Form for subcontractors who will receive a 1099
Tax Prep Documents Checklist
The documents you need for tax prep depend on your situation. To help you prepare for your tax appointment or for filing your own taxes, we’ve created a checklist to help you know what forms you will need. Download the checklist here.